Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hello class, I`m going to talk about my experience writing a blog. I had to make a blog for the English class of level 3. Before this class, I didn`t have a blog, in fact, I never think to make a blog in my life, because I think that is for people that need to speak for themselves. But now I change my opinion about this, because I have many other reasons to make a blog.

My blogging experience ii has been very good. I think that is a very funny form of evaluation, because the evaluations are always are very, very boring!!!!! But this evaluations are very entertaining.

I think that is a good experience that help me improve my English. Because I practice the redaction in English, the grammar in English and to think in English.

Now, I’m going to talk about advantages and disadvantages of blogging in my English class. The advantage about the evaluations for a blog is that is very funny and makes me to practice English every week and the more important is that help me to make to learn new vocabulary and remember old vocabulary, moreover to practice the passive vocabulary. However, sometimes the topic was too boring and not interesting. Other thing that I like about the blog is that make me know other people with similar interests than me, and it's very funny, and to know other realities, because they are persons with other experience of life.

The disadvantages about the evaluations of the blogs is that it takes too many time, and sometimes the topics were very boring. But the best important critic about the blog is the lack of interaction, because is only text and not real conversation.

Ok class, really nice to meet you. See you the next week, for the evaluation!!! Hahhahha (It`s horrible)


  1. Hi!
    Certainly these evaluations are the best, should do something like this in other subjects.
    I did not have a blog before class, and did not understand the reasons why people writing blogs but now I understand it, is a great experience.
    See you

  2. hello! I'm i agree whit all your advantages and disadvantages. I think are very important for improve the english class. I like very much your blog!
